Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Jelly Beans for Weddings

Interesting to know that Jelly Beans in multi colored and flavors can be an impressive centerpieces. With collaborations with Wedding Essential Magazine and Candy Corner we came up with these table setup.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Puppy Anyone?

I had a shoot with Metro Weddings and i came up with new ways of suprising your bridesmaids and flowers girls. Just a preview i made this "doggie bag" to be carried by flower girls. Get a copy too it will be released by Jan 2008.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

NEW! Wedding Essential Magazine

This is why, when it came time to create concept for the "Something New" reception set-up, floral and event stylist Teddy Manuel knew he had to look to the past to come up with something special ....-Zoe Gabe